Some time ago, I learned that Robert Greenberg, CEO of R/GA, one of the world’s biggest digital agencies, re-invents his company every nine years. Contrary to Bob, I’m not a numerology adept, but I believe that when a moment of change comes, you should embrace it. After seven years of our current run with Via Nocturna, I decided to rethink our business model and set new goals for the future.
Since 2015 we have released over 120 titles on CD, digital, and MC tape. The world has changed much since then. The importance of physical releases, as well as record labels, has diminished significantly. The music business has changed. Hard to acknowledge that the emergence of streaming platforms did anything good to the industry. And I’m not talking only about the labels and artists. But also about the fans. I’m also a fan, and I know how hard it’s to keep up with the overflowing amount of new releases and information that I have to process. I can’t deny that there are also pros to this situation. I have the opportunity to listen to countless new music albums every day. But from a business perspective, it’s still a gig only for the big. I think it works the same way in the film industry. I’m not naive and narcissistic enough to compare with them. Also, I don’t want to bitch about the hard times. I put a lot of time and effort into my work. And I want to achieve something both in life and business. In the end, the Romans were right: tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.
We’re not going to distance ourselves from our past. In a way, we’ll not only embrace it but make it more meaningful. We’re also not going to stop releasing music. All our currently signed bands remain on our roster. We’re open to new additions to our catalog. But our focus will shift to transforming Via Nocturna into an independent production company. What it all means? Well, it means that we’ll be delivering services and solutions for bands and artists. We’ll focus on music production, physical manufacturing of records, making merchandise, and delivering web commerce and other internet solutions. You can read more about it here. Music will be one of the main fields of our activity. But not the only one.
The second will involve visual arts, especially photography and video production. We’re currently working on various projects that we will share with you soon. But my biggest dream is for Via Nocturna to produce a feature-length independent movie. It’s a rather tedious task that will require a lot of work. It’s a goal to be reached in the next two or three years. We’re learning the ropes and will start with smaller projects, like experimental shorts and music videos. This field of creative activity will feature both our own original IPs and creating content for our clients, partners, and friends. Since social media reach is in decline, we’ll share all our new content on our website. We will also stock our store with a variety of new products. We intend to go offline and organize events, concerts, exhibitions, and screenings. Lastly, we’ve resurrected the news / magazine section on our website, where you’ll find insight into the world of Via Nocturna. That’s where you’ll be able to learn firsthand about our current projects and premieres.
Apart from that, as a fresh impetus, I would love to gather a creative group of people around our brand and do something remarkable: exciting art projects that we could share with the world. That’s the last piece of the puzzle that will compose the image of Via Nocturna in the coming years.
Thank you all for supporting us throughout the years. For sharing our news, music of our artists, listening and buying records. We’re grateful for that. T.E. Lawrance once said, “big things have small beginnings”. I believe that’s true. And I do believe, that with this next step we’ll achieve something great. Together.
Happy New Year!
Fabian Filiks
Opole, 05.01.2021
PS. When I think of it, maybe there’s something in this numerology thing after all? Since the number seven is associated with an inner need to find depth, meaning, and spiritual connection. In tarot, card VII is The Chariot, and it’s all about “overcoming obstacles through determination, focus, and willpower.” So maybe it’s all written in the stars?
Source of tarot card: Oracloo.com
Featured painting:
Massimo Stanzione, “The Seven Archangels”, 17th century, Royal Palace of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.